Fil-Am Singer Amy Vachal Survives Knockouts

Half Filipina jazz singer Amy Vachal was almost eliminated in the 9th season of The Voice US when she lost her knockout contest but got stolen later on by coach Adam Levine. 

On October 26's episode of the American reality show, Amy beautifully sang the 1946 classic "A Sunday Kind of Love". She was pitted against another jazz singer Madi Davis who performed Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You". Both ladies vied for a spot in Team Pharrell for the Live Shows. 

After her performance, Adam Levine gave Amy a standing ovation while other coaches Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani gave positive feedbacks. Singer-producer Pharrell Williams eventually chose Madi. Adam and Blake both pushed their buttons to activate their single save for the Knockout round. Amy chose Adam as her new coach. 

We traced the Filipino roots of Amy in a previous article here - Filipina Singer Amy Vachal in the Voice US 9. Meanwhile, here's a video of Vachal's Knockout Rounds performance. 

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