Missossology: Colombia versus Philippines for Miss Universe Crown

This rivalry between the Philippines and Colombia as far as Miss Universe is concerned might last longer than expected. This maybe the new USA versus Venezuela, the two countries competing to have the most Miss Universe crown. 

With what started as a controversial mixed up in the announcement of winners at the last Miss Universe, the Philippine- Colombia battle is extended since their new representatives, Maxine Medina and Andrea Tovar are the favorites to win this year. 

Beauty pageant website Missossology ranked Maxine as the top contender in the website's pre-arrival "Hot Picks". But the rankings change so fast, Maxine is now second to Colombia's Andrea Tovar in the fourth hot picks released on Sunday, January 15


Rounding up the top 5 are Argentina's Estefania Bernal, Brazil's Raissa Santana, and Thailand's Chalita Suansane. 

Others in the Top 10 are Indonesia, Mexico, Australia, Panama and Netherlands. Completing the Top 15 are Japan, Ukraine, US Virgin Islands, Vietnam and USA. 

This maybe two early to tell, noting that the trend usually comes after the premilinary competition. Even with that said, here are the Glitz.PH's own list of 7 contestants who are expected to perform well at the Miss Universe finals night on January 30. Click here

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