"What Home Feels Like" follows the lives of married couple Antonio, played by Bembol Roco, and Jenny, which is portrayed by Irma Adlawan. The movie's conflict is centered on the father's falling-out with his family after working overseas. He then returned to his home, reconnecting with his loved ones, discovering their troubles, and realizing his place in his own family.
We've been presented with several OFW dramas before. Most were really dark and heavy. But "What Home Feels Like" presents a gentler approach, peddling on the subtle feels which are both heartwarming and heartbreaking.
We have the fantastic cast to thank. The ever reliable Irma Adlawan will make you feel truly at home. Her gestures and ways are so familiar, she makes us remember our moms. Irma's protrayal maintained that sensitive line between being a loving wife and being a protective mother. She struggles to be dear to her husband while still responsive to the feelings of her children's disliking to their father.
The story may have groomed Antonio to be a hatable father but Bembol Roco's approach made him and his shortcomings acceptable. His silent moments are his best moments. If you're watching this in a huge cinema with a huge group, make sure to disregard the distractions. Bembol's defining moments are quiet but deeply moving.
True to being indie, what I liked the most about the movie is its being unpretentious. The camera work is simple and the storytelling is straightforward. This allowed me to take it all in, to relate to them, and to really understand "What Home Feels Like".
This official entry to the 2017 ToFarm Film Festival is directed by Joseph Abello. It also stars Biboy Ramirez, Rex Lantana, Aaron Rivera and Bianca Labinting. It will be screened from July 12 to 18 in SM Manila, SM Megamall, Greenbelt 1, Robinsons Galleria, Robinsons Metro East and Gateway Cinemas.
This official entry to the 2017 ToFarm Film Festival is directed by Joseph Abello. It also stars Biboy Ramirez, Rex Lantana, Aaron Rivera and Bianca Labinting. It will be screened from July 12 to 18 in SM Manila, SM Megamall, Greenbelt 1, Robinsons Galleria, Robinsons Metro East and Gateway Cinemas.
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