Mr. Pure Energy Gary V. returns to Music Museum with a birthday concert series for a cause

CELEBRATED OPM icon Gary Valenciano, a.k.a. Gary V, is set to return to Music Museum this August for a special birthday concert series titled Gary V: Back at the Museum. The series takes place on August 4, 12, 19, and 26, marking his triumphant return to a venue where he previously captivated audiences with his electrifying performances.


Fans can expect a thrilling performance from the multi-talented artist, who has inspired millions of fans through his craft as an actor, dancer, musical arranger, musician, singer, songwriter, and video producer. Known for his ability to connect with audiences and his high-energy stage presence, Gary will surely deliver an entertaining and meaningful show.

Gary's previous shows at Music Museum were quite memorable. So when his management team at Manila Genesis Entertainment & Management, Inc. began planning for his 40th anniversary, they knew they had to do something at Music Museum. After all, it’s the perfect place to celebrate this significant milestone in Gary’s career, not just because of the venue’s intimate setting but his relationship with it.

Over the years, Gary has performed over 100 concerts at Music Museum. His extensive history at the venue includes concerts such as Sights And Sounds Of Gary V in 1989; Images Of Gary V in 1990; A Decade Of Gary V in 1993; Gary V By Request; Gary V Hits Music Museum; Gary V @ 23; His Love, and many more.


In 2010, he collaborated with actor, director, and writer Freddie Santos in Gary V: Soul In Motion – his first solo, full-length concert series since Live At 25. In 2012, Gary V pushed the boundaries of live performances in the Philippines by using video mapping technology in a concert titled On Higher Ground.

This series marks the birthdays of Gary (August 6) and his wife Angeli (August 26) and supports the Shining Light Foundation – a non-profit organization provides medical aid to indigent families and scholarships to deserving children, which resonates with Gary's dedication to children's rights and aiding those in need.

The setlist of Gary V: Back At The Museum will showcase his greatest hits. He will share the stage with his daughter Kiana, who will fly in from the US for a special guest appearance. The Manoeuvres Ignite will also join Gary onstage. His eldest son Paolo will direct the show, and Mon Faustino will handle the musical direction. Soundcheck will provide technical support.


This concert series is supported by ABS-CBN, ASAP Natin 'To, AIA Philippines, Skelan, Forti D, Conzace, Powermac, Universal Records, Philippine Star, Globaltronics, Jollibee, Toni&Guy, Partners in Christ, and The Monochrome Events Place.

This series is Genesis’ 37th-anniversary offering, so special guests and surprises are in store for those attending the shows. Tickets are priced at P5000, P3000, and P1500. They are available at all Ticketworld outlets nationwide. Call or text +639279675179 (Globe) and +639696231564 (Smart) or buy tickets online at

Stay updated on the series with the official hashtag #GARYVBackAtTheMuseum. For more insights and updates on Gary, follow him on social media. He’s on Instagram and TikTok (@garyvalenciano); and Twitter (@GaryValenciano1). You can also like his Facebook page (Gary Valenciano), subscribe to his YouTube channel (GaryValencianoOfficial), and follow him on Threads (@garyvalenciano).

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Everybody wants to be entertained! So I am publishing, not another entertainment blog, but a rather interesting rundown of the things that you pretend to not care about. I also blog about food, travel and a little bit of style at Peace and love! :)
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